Archives for posts tagged ‘Concept Development’

Design som facilitator for en bæredygtig adfærdsændring

With the ongoing climate changes and the transition to renewable energy, the need for a behavioural change with regards to energy consumption is needed. The Danish island Bornholm has for the past years staged the setting for a large scale demonstration project, EcoGrid EU, in which 2.000 households and small businesses of the island have […]

Tal Ordentligt – Skabelse af ethos

Der er ingen tvivl om at vi i Danmark er blevet meget mere bevidste om hvordan vi opfører os over for hinanden. De seneste års trends har gået meget på bæredygtighed, grønnere tiltag, at være “Fucking Flink”, købe økologisk og generelt opføre sig bæredygtigt – overfor naturen, for medmennesker og kollegaer. Et skud på stammen er […]

Wild Life Tracking in the Arctic Ring

    A wild-life tracking system of the polar bears in Zoo displayed on interactive glass panels and an elevated interactive platform shaped like an iceberg. The intent is to create an artifact that will better the visitor experience of the Arctic Ring and substantially increase learning-levels and knowledge-sharing for both customers and Zoo itself. The […]

smoke & mirrors

A survey was conducted in order to map out what types of objects people carried around, and whether the participants actually used all of these objects. 60% of the participants did not use the items they carried with them. The survey sheds light on the motivation for creating a design solution which diminishes the barrier […]

FDB Free Aid – Concept Development

In order to provide a solution to FDB’s problem with having a huge member base, but marginal activity amongst them. We have come up with a concept that derives from the feeling of helping others, and through this, create a sense of community amongst the members of FDB. Through prototyping and ethnographic studies, we have tried to create […]