smoke & mirrors

A survey was conducted in order to map out what types of objects people carried around, and whether the participants actually used all of these objects. 60% of the participants did not use the items they carried with them. The survey sheds light on the motivation for creating a design solution which diminishes the barrier between physical and virtual objects. This paper proposes a design solution where objects transfer between the virtual and physical environments, thereby giving the means to use both physical and virtual objects, with the help of an augmented reality overlay. By developing such a device, people will be able to carry all the objects they want, but without carry weight or space consumption. Through our research we find what issues in the user-agents mental model may arise, when designing in mixed environments..

Download the rapport here
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Also called the main beneifts of 16 individuals with neurological issue


1 Can Relieve Pain

1 Can Relieve Pain

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